Wednesday 18 January 2017

A Photographic Tour through the Galapagos Islands

Travel bucket lists are a very personal thing, but when it comes to travel destinations, there seems to be a few reoccurring favorites that show up on most travelers’ wish lists, such as the Galapagos Islands. About 1,000 kilometers off the coast of Ecuador, this off-the-beaten-path area is known for its amazing wildlife and untouched landscape. Today, guest contributor and travel photographer, Dennis Calhoun, is here to tell us about his recent adventure to this unique destination.

Do you enjoy a challenge? Are you interested in seeing an amazing variety of wildlife? If so, the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador may be just right for your next exciting travel adventure. Only a few of the fourteen most significant islands in the volcanic archipelago have any inhabitation.

galapagos islands

Of course, most people come to this part of the world for the amazing wildlife found on the islands.

Most people who visit these isolated islands start by joining a tour. Most of the tours are via air travel to Quito, Ecuador and then a short flight to a small airfield in Baltra in the Galapagos Islands. The airfield is there because this was once a US Military base during WWII.

Galapagos Islands

Birdwatchers will love the amazing array of pelicans, hawks, and booby birds.

The blue-footed boobies prefer rocky shorelines, so it can be tricky getting a good shot from the bouncy panga.

Galagapos Island

The boobies are quite popular for bird enthusiasts.

Galagapos islands

This pink flamingo was hanging out in a lagoon as we passed by.

After your arrival at Baltra, you will be taken to your ship in a small rubber boat, called a panga. Most days you will enjoy two excursions to the islands for photography, swimming, snorkeling or walking. Sometimes kayaking opportunities are available. On one of the islands, iron oxide leaching into the lava sand on the beach gives the sand a distinctive red color.

galapagos islands

The rocky shorelines are one reason that the islands have managed to stay in such pristine state.

The island is also known for its magnificient giant tortoises. Thanks to efforts by Ecuador to breed them and release them, they are starting to come back in large numbers.

galagapos islands

Thankfully, new laws are in place to protect these beautiful animals.

Many of the landings are wet landings, meaning that you must walk from the small panga to the land in shallow ocean water. This may sound simple, but it can be challenging when the surf is rough and you are trying to protect camera equipment. Sometimes the footing is a bit rough, but the opportunity to see the wildlife up close is worth it.

Galapagos islands

Although it’s rare to see them, one species of penguins can be found in the Galapagos.

Galagapos islands

A marine iguana gave us his best tough guy pose.

Although planning a visit to the Galapagos Islands can be a bit daunting, it’s an amazing destination. Plan accordingly and you’ll have an unforgettable experience.
#Galapagos, #Islands, #Photographic_Tour

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