Wednesday 16 November 2016

IPhone 7 Overheats And Burns Australian Woman

An Australian woman has alleged recently over a post on Facebook that she got severe burns due to a charging iPhone 7. She claimed that her recently bought iPhone 7 was on charging while she fell asleep on it. “I recently purchased an Apple iPhone 7 and accidentally fell asleep with my arm on my phone whilst it was charging. I was woken up by sudden pain, pins and needles, numbness and shortness of breath,” Melanie Tan Pelaez wrote in her Facebook post.

“I have been an iPhone user since the beginning and have never had an issue or concern, so it’s really scary and disappointing that something like this happened and can happen to someone else,” she added in her post. Apparently, the incident occurred last month and Pelaez claims that she informed Apple’s team through their website. Apple took the iPhone 7 for its internal testing though Pelaez is yet to hear anything from Apple.

Pelaez told a foreign media that she repeatedly wrote to Apple for taking some action in the case. However, she didn’t receive any response from them. The delay in response from Apple allegedly forced Pelaez to make the issue public. After the post became viral and was covered by media, Pelaez said Apple contacted her to find out how she was, but added that there were no answers that could be provided yet from the investigation. She added that Apple then offered a replacement phone, however, she refused one.

There have been various alleged cases regarding iPhone 7 catching fire previously too. Various media reports suggest that a little while ago in China an iPhone 7 Plus exploded when it accidentally hit the ground. The impact made the battery to catch fire and the display of the phone was shattered and entirely detached from the body. In October, another incident doing rounds in media was that of an Australian surf instructor claiming that a week old iPhone 7 was the cause of a fire in his car.

Many users have complained of overheating issues in social media. Apple’s response to such issues has always been that using third-party applications could result in overheating of the iPhone 7 and the iPhone 7 Plus. The company also offers a solution to the overheating issue on its website.
#Apple, #Burns, #Charging, #User, #Iphone_7

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